Devlog: Failed attempt at Apple Web Touch, Demon 4 Progress
Over the past few days I did update the game to Godot 4.3 since it can export to web for Apple devices, unlike the current version. I did create a test version, and while it did run on my ipad/iphone, anything with custom touch code (which is the runes/character select buttons) didn't work. From what I read, support for Apple on the web is still limited, most people recommend just making native versions instead, which isn't plausible for me right now. So I rolled back the changes, and I guess for now its still only compatible on Android Touch devices. I have no idea how many people play on mobile either, itch's built in analytics don't have that info.
It does let me know the incoming URL, and there was exactly one hit from, and exactly two from, so good on whoever found my game from those sites.
As for the ritual, I've been getting stuck on the graphics lately. The first two demons were pretty easy to draw, but the third gave me a lot of trouble, and number four is as well. So I am going to work on the accessory pages as much as I can while also working on the graphics, that's things like the character select, the gameplay help, the intro text for that demon, etc. Everything related to the demon but not the ritual itself
Get RitualBound
A simple male-oriented, demon themed NSFW clicker
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