Devlog: Color Runes, Fast Transitions in final testing, more features coming

As a result of recent feedback, I've completed Colored Runes and Fast Transitions. Fast Transitions is an option that greatly speeds up the screen transitions, as well as the results/scoring screen (from around 15 seconds to around 4.5). Both options can be enabled or disabled anytime in the options menu. They do not affect scoring. I expect to release this feature in a few days.

I've also been working on additional dialogue when choosing a demon from the character select screen, which is currently being trialed on Zazginak. There is still no dialogue/intro when clicking the 'Retry' button after a win/loss however, just to prevent it from becoming stale if you are retrying a lot in a row.

I have some more features planned as well:

Character Bios

Unlock based on various completion percents. They detail biographic information for each demon, as well as a bit of their life/personality, and of course their kinks.

Stats Per Demon:

  • Win Count
  • Loss Count
  • Best Win Time
  • Total Time Played
  • Total Bottles Filled (ie all your win completion percents added together)

General Stats:

  • Total Time Played (All Demons)
  • Total Bottles Filled (All Demons)

Having said that though, the priority now will be Ritual 4. I'll work a small bit on these new features while I work on Ritual 4, but it won't be the priority.

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