Devlog: Demon 2 Ritual, Casual Mode, Web Version

Demon 2

The graphics for the 2nd Demon were finished a few weeks back. Since then I've been working on making the existing game code more reusable, which will help with creating all the game content going forward.

Currently I'm working on programming the new mechanics for the 2nd ritual. That includes play-testing, work-shopping and tweaking to make sure the challenge is appropriate, and the feature is fun... hopefully.

Casual Mode

When Demon 2 releases, there will be an option for Casual Mode. This will make the game much easier to play by generally slowing the runes and being more generous with the time limits for score. It can be enabled or disabled anytime in settings and wont affect your progress or saves.

Web Release

I had experimented with exporting the game to web, and it seemed to generally work, with a few minor bugs. After Demon 2 is released, I am going to spend hopefully around two weeks getting those bugs fixed, and then RitualBound will be playable in a browser as well. 

Unfortunately, it will not work on macOS/iOS browsers due to bugs within them regarding WebGL. But early tests show it working and playable on desktop FireFox and Chrome, and Android phones.

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