Devlog: Alternate dialogue done, Good progress on Bios
I finished up the alternate dialogue that shows when you start a ritual from the demon select screen, if you've already completed it. The goal is to release it with Ritual 4. The 4th demon will already have the additional dialogue. The lines are somewhat determined by the max score you have, although there is some randomness here and there.
I'm also trying to finalize the Bios for the demons, although that will likely be a separate release after Ritual 4, since I don't want the release pushed back too far. I'm currently debating which information to include, and am mostly happy with what I've come up with, but not entirely. So I'm planning to think on it for maybe another two weeks tops. I don't want to introduce material for the Demons that I later have to remove.
As for Ritual 4, the goal this week is to get it functionally matching Zaz's ritual, as in a fully playable/winnable copy of it. I always start on a new Ritual by copying the Zaz's, then going back and adding in the new mechanics.
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A simple male-oriented, demon themed NSFW clicker
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